Friday, February 22, 2008

A Snowy Day

Today was the first day in his life that Jack was able to really play in the snow! It was so exciting. In the morning, he went outside with Mommy. He made snow angels and "shoveled" the driveway. In the afternoon, he went outside with Daddy to swing on the swings and build a snowman. Farley loved the snow, too! Here are some snowy pictures!

Daniel and Papa

Daniel and Nicholas like their playpen. Mommy and Daddy like it even more!

Mommy's view when she feeds Daniel.

Nicholas and his Physical Therapist, Una

Happy Boys

Nicholas loves his big brother.

The babies are 8 months already!

Mommy was out shopping. Daniel was jumping away in his jumparoo. Daddy walked out of the room for a minute. When he returned, this is what he saw!

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