Monday, April 14, 2008

Family Swim

We take Jack and one baby or the other swimming at the VA hospital every Sunday. This week, Jack had a special day with Papa and both babies came swimming.
The twins wore their matching suits from Uncle Dave and Aunt Lauren.
Daniel's hair is crazy at the pool!

Spring Swing

Jack, Daniel and Nicholas love to play on our backyard swingset.

Nicholas is all smiles.

Jack never lets us take nice pictures of him lately. We have to sneak them.

Jack loves to push the babies on the swings. The babies don't always like it as much as he does!

Mema and the Twins

Jack is out of the camera's view, but he was playing Peek-A-Boo. As you can see, the boys love that game!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

High Chair Happenings

Nicholas has actually started to hold his own bottle- something Daniel is too lazy to do and Jack never did in his life. Mommy is very excited!

Daniel loves Cheerios!! He chews them like he is chewing a steak. He would rather have Cheerios than baby cereal, fruits, veggies or anything else. Farley likes when Daniel eats Cheerios, too!

Jack thought Daniel needed a helmet to walk in his Jeep!