Sunday, June 29, 2008

Our First Summer Beach Day

We spent our first beach day at Crab Meadow. Jack had a ball collecting rocks and shells and playing in the water. Daniel liked exploring the sand, rocks and water. Nicholas liked staying close to Mema and took a lovely beach nap.

Bronx Zoo Trip

Daddy finished school on Thursday, so we went to The Bronx Zoo. We all had lots of fun.

Look carefully at this picture. Nicholas and Daddy are posing in Congo Gorilla Forest. There is also a huge gorilla handprint on the glass right next to them.

It was a long day. Nicholas was getting sleepy.

The ride home:

Twins' First Birthday

We tried to take the babies' birthday picture outside, but neither of them were being cooperative!

This was the best picture we could get on their birthday:

Of course, Jack likes to get in the pictures, too:

During birthday dinner, Nicholas fell asleep. He ended up missing his own birthday cake. : (

Daniel never misses dessert! Notice that Daniel is wearing a Christmas bib. Mommy gave Daddy a "Baby's First Birthday" bib to put on Daniel. After we took these pictures and ate the cake, Mommy looked at the pictures and realized Daddy put the bib on backwards. The other side was a Christmas bib.

Opening Presents

This truck was given to the boys, for their birthday, by our old West Hempstead Nieghbor, Fred. As soon as we opened it, Nicholas used it to pull himself to standing for the first time. Not to be outdaone, Daniel pulled himself to standing, using our new couch, a couple of days later.

Mema and Papa bought this wagon with a caboose for the babies for their birthday. In reality, it is for their Daddy because he will no longer have to push a stroller and pull a wagon around our neighborhood at the same time!

Grandma Jean and Granddad came to visit for the little boys' birthday. Granddad took all three boys for a wagon ride.

We LOVE this picture because it really shows Daniel's personality!

Babies' Birthday Bash!

It has been quite a year for all of us, so on Saturday, June 14th, we had a huge party for the babies' first birthday. All of our family and friends came to celebrate the boys' special day. We all had tons of fun dancing, playing, eating and drinking. We thank all who attended for helping us to mark the boys' big day!

We had lots of fun using hula hoops:

Mommy made a billion cupcakes and two cakes. Yum!

The boys had their first taste of cupcake and frosting. Mommy only let them have vanilla so they wouldn't mess up their fancy Janie and Jack outfits. As expected, Daniel loved it and would have eaten the whole thing if Mommy let him.

Also as expected, Nicholas was not so sure about the special treat.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Spring Slide

It was another scorcher today! We set up a water slide in the backyard. Jack loved it and the babies loved watching him slide! You can see them in the background, watching from the pool on the deck.

The twins are too little to slide, but Daniel liked sitting on the slide and playing in the water. (It was too cold for Nicholas.)

Nicholas was tired after his swim in the pool. He dozed off on the couch.

Playing at Mema's:

"M is 4 Monster," times three.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It was Hot, Hot, Hot!

It was so HOT today! Daddy took the baby pool out for the boys. The twins sat in their bath seats in the pool. They all had a blast!
Notice Daddy in the background. It was so hot and sunny that Daddy sat and held an umbrella over the boys! Daniel

Daniel's First Big Boy Haircut

Mommy has been cutting Daniel's hair. But, he is getting too big to have a bowl cut like Buster Brown. So today he had his first big boy haircut before his first birthday. He was a little nervous when he first sat in the chair. This is the "before" shot:

These are the "during" shots.

We hope Nicholas will need a haircut by his second birthday!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Ice Cream Season

Now that the warm Spring weather has arrived, we have been visiting Chilly Willies and waiting for the Ice Cream Lady. Here are some classic shots:

Nicholas shared Daddy's watermelon ice. We were not sure if this face was from the flavor or the cold.

Then Mommy shared her strawberry shortcake with him and we realized the face was from the cold!

Jack likes to sit on the porch and eat his ice cream. The Ice Cream Lady came late one night, after bathtime. He was already clean and in his PJs. As you can see, we needed to wash up again and put on new PJs, so...

The next day Jack had his ice cream in his underwear for easier clean-up.

More Spring Fun

Jack likes to have his lunch outside, overlooking our yard.

Alex and James, our across-the-street neighbors, come over for playdates in the yard. Here, the three amigos are out for a ride.

This was the best picture I could get when the babies turned 11 months old. They were not feeling cooperative!

Now that Daniel is getting around (by rolling, not crawling) he really tortures Farley sometimes. The poor dog just takes it.

Our three sons.